It'll be a time for me to develop and follow a Rule of Life, and to deepen my prayer life.
A year can seem like a long time but I am glad that it is a year. Too often I make impulsive decisions, or I think I want to do something that turns out later to not be so great. We all do.
Discernment gives me an opportunity to slow down, to not rush in and to really try and listen for God's voice. My greatest struggle will be the daily commitment to prayer and to making time for it. In a year, I will know whether or not I am capable of that type of commitment. I will also, hopefully, have learned the value in slowing down and not making hasty decisions.
When have there been periods of discernment in your life? What was the jewel or lesson you learned from that time of discernment?
(image - my window altar at Stonesthrow) * o

did you ever discern with the four columns? It is very "Ignatian spirituality". I don't know if you are familiar with it...It is done with much prayers etc.
I am curious about your decision...I will find out as I read your blog , I guess!
Simonne, I have yet to post about it, but I have decided that I want to be an Associate, so I am now waiting for an answer as to whether I will be admitted or not.
I am not too familiar with Ignation spirituality so have not done the 4 columns - something perhaps I should learn about?
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