So tonight I try to gather up some pieces of happy, since they are kind of spread out and I need to collect them. The hot water heater is fixed now, and while it was frustrating to go without for awhile I am reminded of how lucky I am to have hot and cold running water, when many go without that basic luxury. Work is crazy, yes, but tonight I remind myself that I have a good job, with good pay and how lucky I am to have that when many go without work and money to pay for basic necessities. Tonight I will sit with a family in grief, and I am reminded of how precious life is and how important families and friends are.
This morning there were two purple finches in the bird feeder and I spent a few moments just watching and listening to them "trill" to each other in beautiful bird song.
What is making up the "pieces of happy" for you tonight? * o

Isn't it interesting how a weekly reminder to think about what happiness this week brought helps us notice the good things, even in a blah week? I had a similar experience this time.
'pieces of happy here' are spending a sunny afternoon in the studio
I love the way you described how you picked up your scattered pieces of happy. I am finding it so much easier to recognize the happy moments each day or in difficult situations. It is a blessing to be able to do so. Have a wonderful week.
@Helen - definitely, this stopping and noticing is a good thing :)
@Kel - love the sunshine!
@Ginny - thanks!
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