Jan 2/05
TJ, after I quipped to him "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God", replied "God's Word is like Chinese food, you need more of it in an hour".
Jan 23/05
My baby, first born is 16 today - wow!
Feb 15/05
Prayer vigil tonight. My scripture verse was: "God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24. While praying this image popped into my head - a raging torrent of water, a river flowing right through the middle of the church starting from the altar and going right out the door.
Feb 27/05
As I sit and write and reflect tonight I have Puccini's operas on the CD. Across the hall from me TJ is practicing guitar trying to master a ZZ Top piece and down the hall, Charlie has Hillary Duff blasting on his CD.
June 3/05
In my devotion this morning I read "the purpose of brokenness is to bring us to the point where we can say to God "Not only do I need You, but You are all I need", generally it is some area of pride in life that needs to be broken. I have felt spiritually broken lately but have I leaned on God enough? trusted Him?
July 13/05
Need I even mention it's hot again today? You can smell the heat in the air. 20th anniversary today. At supper there was a beautiful bouquet of carnations from John as well as a lovely silver Italian charm bracelet with our birthstones as charms, and my name engraved on it was well as "July 13 - 1985-2005". I have the sweetest hubby.
July 16/05
Reading "Queen Power" last night, struck by the comments on being an "authentic" Queen. An authentic Queen is truthful - no lies, no gossip, no judging, no "excuses". She also knows her talents and is a good steward of them. I am struck by how often I am not authentic, especially in relationships.
More "Year in Review" tomorrow! * o

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