Take the whole kit
with the caboodle
Experience life
don't deplore it
Shake hands with time
don't kill it
Open a lookout
Dance on a brink
Run with your wildfire
You are closer to glory
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut
~ James Broughton ~
(Little Sermons of the Big Joy)
with the caboodle
Experience life
don't deplore it
Shake hands with time
don't kill it
Open a lookout
Dance on a brink
Run with your wildfire
You are closer to glory
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut
~ James Broughton ~
(Little Sermons of the Big Joy)
I got totally inspired for the above collage from Kelly Rae Roberts article in the latest Cloth Paper Scissors issue. Actually I got inspired by a lot of things and I have no idea why I never thought to check it out before!
Got Teesha Moore's latest Art & Life issue today in the mail so I'll be pouring over that the next few days. Such a visual feast and it always makes me want to grab my journal, paint and play. (....There's a little piece of Teesha in the above collage...)
April will find me busy trying to complete my integration project for my Henri Nouwen course. I've been immersed in Nouwen's writings for two months now and have enjoyed every moment of it. My final project is going to be a collage, but I won't post the details until it is complete (surprise!). There is so much flying around in my head for it right now, I hope it translates OK from head to canvass.
Currently listening to Susan Lincoln's "Mother Heart" CD - beautiful.
Waiting for spring.....
Got Teesha Moore's latest Art & Life issue today in the mail so I'll be pouring over that the next few days. Such a visual feast and it always makes me want to grab my journal, paint and play. (....There's a little piece of Teesha in the above collage...)
April will find me busy trying to complete my integration project for my Henri Nouwen course. I've been immersed in Nouwen's writings for two months now and have enjoyed every moment of it. My final project is going to be a collage, but I won't post the details until it is complete (surprise!). There is so much flying around in my head for it right now, I hope it translates OK from head to canvass.
Currently listening to Susan Lincoln's "Mother Heart" CD - beautiful.
Waiting for spring.....