Farewell, Old Friend
Farewell, old friend
whose steadfast walls
sheltered and nurtured our faith.
You withstood the storms of nature,
and gave us refuge
from the storms of life.
Many Sunday mornings
we watched sunlight dance
through coloured windows,
creating halos of light on the altar.
We tested our faith
on polished wooden pews,
and tasted God’s love
in bread and wine
served at your altar.
In waters from your font
we baptised our children,
teaching them about Jesus
in your basement rooms.
We married here
filling your pews with our celebration,
and buried here
filling those pews with our grief.
We wove our lives
into endless Sundays
worshipping within you.
Farewell, old friend
whose steadfast walls
sheltered and nurtured our faith.
Our journey leads to new beginnings,
but bids us not forget from whence we came.
@2006 Eveline Maedel
This morning the congregation of St. Mary's said goodbye to their old church, after 118 years of faithful worship inside it's walls. Next Sunday we begin a new journey, in a new building.
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