- lines from a poem I started on Ash Wed. and have yet to figure out what I'm going to do with: "the moon was a fingernail of light, ashes on my brow, sackcloth on my soul."
- still stuck on Week 7 of Creative Call, and am probably going to stay there this week too. This week was busy, and I didn't spend much time reading. Week 7 is about "Time Management" - ain't that a laugh....
- listening to Chaya's song "I Want You More Than Anything" and turning that into my Lenten litany.
- the fresh-washed smell of crisp, white altar linens wafting through the house this afternoon.
- Psalm 51 - "create in me a clean heart O Lord"
- fervent prayers for a dear sister in Christ who was rushed to hospital far away from here
-sitting in the stillness of the old church this morning and soaking up the peace.
- sitting in the hustle of the new church this morning, smelling fresh paint and sawdust and marveling at the "lightness" of the place.
- "remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return". I keep remembering how in grade school we used to sign autograph books with "ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if it weren't for girls, boys lips would rust."
- reflecting on service, and women who serve with whole hearts, like the woman with alabaster jar.
- journaling my way through a forty day prayer journal as my Lent practice. I didn't want to give anything up this time, partly because I couldn't figure out what to give up, and I wanted to do something meaningful, not just "because that's what we do at Lent." So I thought the prayer journal would be a good practice. * o

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