Somewhere in all the emails I get, I read something about setting intentions for the new year, instead of resolutions.
This morning I was pondering on what sort of intention I would like to set for 2007, and the word that kept coming to me was "peace". I would like the coming year to be one where I feel peace in my heart, peace with my spiritual life, peace with my family, friends and co-workers, and peace with my purpose.
Last year I started a tradition of prayers for the new year, instead of resolutions. As I predicted, it was indeed a year of many changes for us, many ups and downs. Maybe that's why I want a year of peace for this year.....
My prayers for 2007 are simple. That we will all enjoy good health, happiness and live each day with peace in our hearts.
Happy New Year to you!
(image - my first SoulCollage card, created December 31/06 - as yet untitled) * o

This is a glorious card - I too made my first Soul Collage card yesterday!
Happy New Year!
Thanks Anne Marie and Caroline :)
Caroline, I stopped by your blog but not sure my comment got posted. Loved your card, your Abundant Mother is beautiful.....
Stop by Caroline's blog, and check it out!
Happy New Year!
Eveline - I've currently got comment moderation on that blog so yes your comment did get posted and is now visible - thank you for returning my visit!
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