Today's post will be brought to you in bullet form:
- Still suffering from "Bloggers Block". Keep feeling that I have nothing deep or meaningful to post, or that my posts are too short or whatever and so every time I sit down to blog something......I don't....hence the bullet list today :)
- Lent is looming. This, oddly enough, is a very busy time of year for us church folks. Which I always find an interesting paradox since we are supposed to give stuff up for Lent and I always end up taking on more...hhmmm...
- Spirituality and Practice has an e-course for Lent - "The Cry of the Prophet - Practicing Spirituality with Joan Chittister" - looking forward to that starting up this week and being the focus of my devotions during this time.
- If Lent is not your thing, the next few weeks can be a good time for thinking about what is going on in your life, creatively or otherwise. What are you saying "Yes" to and what are you saying "No" to? What is brewing within you? What do you long to express? Are there things you need to let go of? What wants to burst forth and rise up from you :)
- Looking forward to a chat this week with Trish Bruxvoort-Colligan from Spirations Institute. I'm being pulled more and more towards spiritual direction, especially as I find myself facilitating at retreats more often so I'm trying to find a program that will help me grow in that direction. This one looks promising, and I have my fingers crossed!
- Artella has a great deal on their new Mixed-Media Self-Portraits course - you can get the details at my creativity coaching blog here
- The College Boy is home for a week!!
And that's it - now I think I should go and play with some watercolors and try and get another assignment done!

Bits and Pieces of Things
Eveline, I see nothing wrong with this post...I found irt interesting and I checked your given link. I will be e-mailing you to share the program I am thinking of taking in the spring too...
Hi Eveline!
Found your link over on the Comfort Queen and just wanted to say hey. :-) You know, I get that you want to provide value to your readers, but we're also looking for personal connections in this virtual world, so as long as you write from the heart, everything'll work out.
All the best, chin up girl,
Dee xx
ooops, I might have double-clicked the submit button... did I?
Thanks Simonne!
Thanks Dee - comforting and cheery advice (and no, you didn't double-click :) )
Sending Lenten blessings your way Eveline. There is a special richness to this season of the church year, but it does come with a certain "cost" upon one's spirit, doesn't it? Even so, it's my favourite time of the church year.
Thanks Sue! ((hugs))
Yes, it's my favorite time as well even with the all the extra work it brings - I also find it so much more fulfilling than Christmas. Maybe it's because Christmas is so commercial, and Lent, so far, is not....
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