Havi's got a great promotion going on for the next couple of weeks, "Non-Sucky Yoga Month". Included in her "package thing" is Paul Grilley's Yin Yoga DVD and some awesome stuff from Havi to get you started and to get the most out of the DVD.
If you're looking for something new to kick up your yoga practice, or you're looking for something to get you started with yoga without a lot of "woo woo foo foo" stuff, check this offer out. It might just be what you are looking for.
And if not, check out Havi's blog anyway - good stuff there! * o

My Structural Integrationist is trying to talk me into yoga. One day perhaps...
I'm convinced that without regular massage therapy and a bit of yoga each morning, I wouldn't be able to work without being all stiffened up!!
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