And so the Universe laughed and tonight - my dog just got nailed by a skunk. Right outside the open livingroom window. Yes folks, we are smothered in Eau de Pepe LePew right now. And said dog, a lab, is ironically afraid of water. Bathing him to get rid of the smell was a job and a half for College Boy. The dog will be sleeping in the porch tonight.
I think I still hear the Universe chuckling......something wonderful this way smells.... :) * o

My husband wants to get another dog when he retires, but you guys are giving me second thoughts about dogs in the country. Two friends' dogs have had run-ins with skunks this summer (the other friends 2 dogs then came back in through the doggy door, and rolled all over their carpet and furniture!), and one just got a snout full of porcupine quills. OUCH!
Ugh. Skunk. We just had one leave a lovely odour around our house this afternoon. I guess he/she decided our garbage (which is well-secured) was too much work and therefore left behind his/her disdain for this insult. We presently have multiple candles burning and the cats are busy looking out the window for the intruder.
Ive found that when that skunk smell just imprints up your nose, and that's all you can smell, the only thing that will take that away is Vicks Vaporub... :)
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