down on the couch
and cried out,
"Lord, I asked for a sign.
For you to show me something
on my walk,
something that would assure me
you were there and you cared.
And what do I get?
Nothing. Where were you, Lord?"
And softly the Lord replied,
"My beloved child,
I warmed your face with sunshine,
and sent a soft breeze to caress you.
I dipped my paintbrush in lush paints
of crimson yellow and fire red
and oh so carefully painted each leaf
for you.
With the same paintbrush, I
colored the sky in more shades of
blue than an artist could begin to capture.
I perfumed the air with an earthy, woodsy
scent hinting of decaying leaves and moss.
I scattered a thousand shimmering rays
of sunlight to dance upon the water,
more dazzling than any display in a
jeweler's window.
I sang to you , with the songs of chickadees,
ravens and gulls,
while poplar leaves in golden gowns shimmied
and swayed to the breeze.
I sponge-painted perfectly designed circles
of moss on the boulders and
I whispered words of comfort on the wind.
Signs? My beloved child, I placed them
all around you.
I can not help that you chose to walk
with eyes closed."
@Eveline Maedel - 2007 * o

1 comment:
Loooooove this!!!!!
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