For a long time now I have dreamed of a space of my own - a place to write, read, create, dream. A space where I could spread out, and not have to pack everything up that I was working on. I've tried to create this in my house, but there were really no extra rooms and the basement just didn't have the right atmosphere. I began to dream of a little shed, a garden retreat, in my own backyard. And while I allowed myself to fantasize about this place and decorate it in my mind, even going so far as to give it a name, I never gave much thought to it becoming a reality. An outbuilding seemed too expensive to buy or build. It was just a little dream.
Last month, at an auction, my husband purchased a small 8 x 9 shed and had it moved into our backyard. He's painted it, built a deck for it and put on a screen door. "Stonesthrow Cottage", my dream, has become a reality. I have space to create, to unwind, to dream or to play. And it really is the perfect space.
In the process of looking up ideas for this building, I discovered a whole world out there of people who work from little backyard sheds or shacks, appropriately named "shedworkers". They even have their own blog.
Should you be stopping by on a summer evening, you'll find me at Stonesthrow - the perfect place to have a cup of tea, a long chat, and to sit and dream. * o

It's a lovely looking shed. Many thanks for the mention. I also produce a pdf magazine for people who work in sheds and shedlike atmospheres called with cunning subtlety The Shed. Let me know if you'd like to see some back issues and I'll bash them across to you.
Thanks Alex, I'd love to peruse a back issue!
What a wonderful work space. It looks so cozy and inviting. Congratulations on getting your dream space.
Thanks Helen - I must say I'm loving it!
Congratulations on your dream come true! What a lovely shed and workplace.
Pat W.Shafer
Thanks Pat!!
What a delightful idea! sacred ground...
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