For a long time now I have dreamed of a space of my own - a place to write, read, create, dream. A space where I could spread out, and not have to pack everything up that I was working on. I've tried to create this in my house, but there were really no extra rooms and the basement just didn't have the right atmosphere. I began to dream of a little shed, a garden retreat, in my own backyard. And while I allowed myself to fantasize about this place and decorate it in my mind, even going so far as to give it a name, I never gave much thought to it becoming a reality. An outbuilding seemed too expensive to buy or build. It was just a little dream.
Last month, at an auction, my husband purchased a small 8 x 9 shed and had it moved into our backyard. He's painted it, built a deck for it and put on a screen door. "Stonesthrow Cottage", my dream, has become a reality. I have space to create, to unwind, to dream or to play. And it really is the perfect space.
In the process of looking up ideas for this building, I discovered a whole world out there of people who work from little backyard sheds or shacks, appropriately named "shedworkers". They even have their own
Should you be stopping by on a summer evening, you'll find me at Stonesthrow - the perfect place to have a cup of tea, a long chat, and to sit and dream.

A Room of Her Own