There were two highlights for me - a Great Blue Heron, and watching three male Goldeneyes do their mating thing for some lucky female. The sunlight was hitting the river just right then, adding that perfect touch of light so that all the features of the ducks stood out sharply right down to those golden eyes as they bobbed their heads and arched their necks backwards practically touching their backs - just trying to catch her attention. In the background, an otter swam sleekly down the river - a perfect nature moment.
My list of sightings: 2 Bald Eagles, Mallards, Pintails, Goldeneyes, Buffleheads, Common Mergansers, a Hooded Merganser, a Lesser Yellow Legs (he looked pretty goofy on his scrawny yellow legs), a Green Winged Teal, a Blue Heron, a whole lot of Canadian Geese and on Otter. * o

1 comment:
Hi Eveline.
I enjoy reading your blog and have awarded you the Thinking Blogger Award and tagged you to select five thinking bloggers. You can read the details on my blog at http://straightfromhel.blogspot.com/2007/04/award-for-straight-from-hel.html.
Helen Ginger
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