Helen, at Straight From Hel, has tagged me for a "Thinking Blogger" award, which I think is way cool, but also kind of intimidating. It's always a bit of a secret thrill to find out there are actually people out there reading what you post, part of why we write in the first place.
The challenge now is for me to come up with "5 Blogs that Make me Think". A challenge because I think a lot of the blogs I regularly read have already been tagged with this honor - can I re-tag them? And, I really want to tag Helen back - her blog has great writing advice on it, plus I just love the catchy name!
So, here are my five:
1. Sue, at InnerDorothy, has already been tagged and she deserves it. I've been reading Sue's blog for some time now. I appreciate seeing the "church world" from someone in the clergy point of view, besides often being provoked into deep thought by one of her observations. And, her cats are adorable!
2. This one, Fran, at SacredOrdinary, is a recent discovery. There is a lovely mix of personal, spiritual and family here.
3. When I feel a need for art and creative stimulation, I check on Lani's blog. I so wish I could make puppets like she does!
4. Someone who has a wonderful mix of art and journaling and just keen observation is Keri, at wish jar journal. I go there when I want to read something unique and fresh.
5. And, finally, even though she also has already been tagged, Jennifer Louden at LoudenMouth, the Comfort Queen, has such an authentic style that she deserves to be tagged again.
So there you have it. Five blogs that make me think. Five places on the web I like to drop into and hang out at from time to time.
Thanks Helen for your link to my blog, and for tagging me with this award. I'm glad to have "met" you in cyber-land! * o