Today, I received the following email from "Team Heliographica":
Heliographica will be cancelling it's operations.
As a traditional title- your rights revert back to you.
If your title made it through production and is in print through Ingram it will remain in print
until late August and in December after we have received royalties from wholesalers payment will be made to you using the address we have on file.
Note: You will be able to place bulk orders for books through July 31st, but effective immediately our website will no longer take sales.
We regret to be sending you this notice and wish you the best of luck with your writing.
Team Heliographica
I have to say that this really didn't come as much of a surprise. There have been problems all along since the publishing of Pink Jasper. Difficulties getting orders, lack of communication and bumps and disappointments all along the way. We fared much better than some authors though, whose sagas can be read here .
As I think all this over today, I know that this book has been a wonderful journey for me. I met some great women who I laughed and cried with, I cut my teeth on the craft of writing, I learned volumes about the publishing industry, and I have a book on my bookshelf that has my name on the cover. Pink Jasper has opened doors for me, and I know that even as one door closes another will open someplace else.
I don't know the future of our little book. I do know that those who have read it, loved it and I hope that it has blessed them in some way.
This morning I relayed the information to my oldest son that the publisher had gone under and I couldn't get anymore books, and then I jokingly commented "so, no Oprah." He buttered his toast, shrugged, and replied "So, you're only 40 something." I looked at "Mr. Wiser-Than-Years", smiled and said "You're right - try again!".
Never let your dreams die.
(PS - I still have a few copies of Pink Jasper kicking around if you are interested in buying it. Could be a collector's item!!